Our Accredited & Nationally-Recognized Lab 

Features Clean Room Data Analysis with Industry-Leading Technology

Since 2004, Flashback Data has provided sensitive incident investigation and forensic data recovery services worldwide, including corporations, law firms, and foreign governments. Our laboratory is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 forensics testing lab accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the same program as the FBI and state law enforcement. Learn more about our accreditations, training, and education.

Flashback Data’s Lab Features Clean Room Data Analysis with Industry-Leading Technology

Flashback Data has invested heavily in our lab, and we are very proud of our facilities. Our secure, technologically advanced facility will house your media safely.

The lab features four zones of bio-metric access with full 24/7 video monitoring. The first zone is for customers and conferences. The second zone is our administration area, where our customer service, sales, and administrative offices are located. Next, we have a man-trap before the Data Recovery Lab. And then finally, our Digital Forensics Lab and secure evidence storage.


Data Recovery from Certified Class 4 Clean Room Specialists

Our Team Maintains ANAB and ISO/IEC 17205:2017 Accreditation.

ISO/IEC 17025 certifications authorize laboratories to exhibit operational expertise and produce valid testing results. Specifications include the general requirements for the competence to conduct tests, including sampling. 

To receive ISO-17205:2017, a lab must be audited for adherence to standards in the following categories: 

  • Choice and use of cleanroom garments
  • Operational Systems
  • Training and monitoring of activities and personnel
  • Installation and equipment usage
  • Requirements for materials used in the cleanroom
  • Confirmation of the cleanroom’s environment to industry standards

Learn More About the Features of Our Clean Room Labs

Data Recovery

  • Anti-static flooring
  • Complete electronic rework stations
  • Class 100 clean room workstations
  • High power stereo microscopes
  • Lightning fast drive imaging stations
  • Flash memory and mobile phone repair stations
  • 1000s of replacement parts for hard drives

Data Forensics

  • Fast hardware imaging stations
  • Powerful forensics workstations
  • Dozens of terabytes in storage
  • Locked, steel evidence cage

Learn More About the Additional Requirements for a Data Recovery Clean Room

The clean room’s shell enclosure separates the clean air from the entire building by ventilating filtered air to prevent contamination. To guard against leakages in the system, the filter fan helps recirculate about 96% of the total air volume within the shell, ensuring high flexibility within the technology. 

Clean rooms must be controlled and monitored from construction to operation. Extensive measuring and testing periodically help ensure the clean room runs efficiently. Operators must wear body suits, gloves, head coverings, and masks. To learn more about our clean rooms, call our team at 866-786-5700.  

Choose the Data Recovery service with a proven history of success!

Flashback Data can recover data from any device, no matter the damage.

Clean Room FAQs

A clean room utilizes controlled temperature and humidity as a protective mechanism against contamination of equipment. Features of a clean room typically include plastic ceilings and walls, external lighting, and a continuous influx of clean and dust-free air. Daily cleaning is required to prevent possible contamination in the given workspace.

Clean room technology is crucial for performing standard recovery procedures. For example, a damaged hard drive or disk requires clean room recovery to preserve the media. Without a cleanroom, a hard disk’s platters will become contaminated, resulting in the heads catching on foreign particles, scratching the surface, and permanently losing data on the device.

Clean room design features adhere to strict controls for environmental conditions to ensure consistent air quality and a low particle count. Clean room classifications are used to determine effectiveness for preventing possible potential particle contamination. The equipment utilized in a clean room environment depends upon the level of cleanliness required. As a lab with a certified Class 10 or ISO Level 4, our clean room environment is held according to federal standards (209E) to recover mechanically damaged hard disks. A clean environment is required to recover internally damaged hard disks.

The class number refers to the maximum number of airborne particles greater than or equal to one-half of a micron that would be allowed in one cubic foot of clean environment air. Therefore, a Class 100 clean room would not contain more than 100 particles bigger than half a micron in a cubic foot of air.

For data recovery purposes, a Class 100 clean room is all that is required. Flashback Data has gone above and beyond the norm to give the best service possible and installed a Class 10 workstation in its data recovery lab.

Flashback Data sustains ISO certifications and audits, as our cleanroom is always fully functioning and operational. Our dedication to excellence across our industry makes Flashback Data your number one choice for data recovery services.

Data Recovery

We Retrieve Your Data from Damaged, Hacked, or Corrupted Devices for Consumers & Businesses

Data Forensics/Investigations

policeWe Recover Lost & Hidden Data on Devices & Accounts for Attorneys, Law Enforcement, & Governments